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Fundamentals of Yoga &
Hands-On Yoga Adjustments Workshop

Yoga, derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', meaning to join or unite, has been practiced for centuries. It is a beautiful practice that connects our individual selves with the Universal Spirit, or Cosmic Consciousness. 🌌✨

In this workshop, we will dive deep into the basics of Yoga, exploring its origins and philosophy, along with its modern day applications for the mind and body. 🧠 Whether you are new to Yoga or a seasoned practitioner, there is something for everyone! 🌈🧘🏻

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Here's what we will cover in the "Fundamentals of Yoga" part of the workshop:


1️⃣ Discovering the beautiful definitions of Yoga through various scriptures.

2️⃣ Understanding Patanjali's 8 limbs of Yoga.

3️⃣ Exploring different forms of Yoga, both ancient and modern.

4️⃣ Unraveling the impact of Yoga on our anatomy, physiology, and soul.

5️⃣ Comprehending the importance of Pranayama practices, as well as acknowledging the crucial role they perform in establishing equilibrium between the physical body and the spiritual body.

Next up, the "Hands-On Yoga Adjustments" part of the workshop will focus on educating you on enhancing your awareness of body alignments during your practice, and empowering you to rectify your own postures, thereby instilling greater confidence in your individual practice:


🤲🏼 Learn about the precise alignments and their benefits and drawbacks.

🧠 Understand the anatomy and biomechanics behind each posture.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Practice beginner to advanced level postures, harnessing the power of alignment.


1️⃣ On Day 1, we will cover beginner-level postures such as Triangle pose, Tree pose, and Cobra, to name a few. Prepare to strengthen your foundation and build a solid practice from the ground up! 🌳🐍


2️⃣ On Day 2, we will take things up a notch with intermediate to advanced poses like Humble Warrior, Dancer's pose, Full Bow pose, Headstand and more. Challenge yourself and explore boundless possibilities on the mat! 💪🌟

Our aim through this workshop is to help new practitioners kickstart their Yoga journey with a solid understanding of the ancient science behind it, while providing seasoned practitioners with the tools to deepen their practice. 🌟

Class Date & Time:
✨ Nov 18 & 19 - Fundamentals of Yoga 

✨ Nov 25 & 26 - Hands-On Yoga Adjustments

✨ All 4 sessions class time are 10:15 am - 12:15 pm

✨ Students have the option to attend all 4 sessions or select specific dates according to preferences


✨ HK$600 for a single day

✨ 10% OFF if you apply for all 4 days

✨ Yoga Bagel members can use their existing package credits to enrol the class, with each workshop day requires 2 credits.

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